Cracking the SAT Premium 2018 Edition

دانلود کتاب Cracking the SAT Premium 2018 Edition

کتاب Cracking the SAT Premium 2018 Edition به تشریح کامل و جامع بخش های مختلف آزمون می پردازد. نکات کاربردی و تمرینهای ارزشمند و متنوع از نقات قوت این کتاب است.همچنین کتاب Cracking the SAT Premium 2018 Edition  دربرگیرنده 7 آزمون کامل SAT می باشد.

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Cracking the SAT Premium 2018 Edition

Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.
Comprehensive subject review for every section of the exam
Valuable practice with complex reading comprehension passages and higher-level math problems
· Hands-on experience with all question types, including multi-step problems, passage-based grammar questions, and more
Techniques That Actually Work.
Powerful tactics to help you avoid traps and beat the SAT
Pacing tips to help you maximize your time
Detailed examples of how to employ each strategy to your advantage
Practice Your Way to Excellence.
7 full-length practice tests (4 in the book, 3 online) with detailed answer explanations.

دانلود کتاب Cracking the SAT Premium 2018 Edition


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