نمونه سوالات ویرایش اول American English File 1

نمونه سوالات استاندارد American English File 1

American English File 1 Test Booklet

نمونه سوال امریکن انگلیش فایل ۱ ویرایش اول

این فایلها با فرمت PDF و فاقد کلید سوالات می باشد.

این بسته تنها دربرگیرنده سوالات و آزمونهای درس به درس می باشد.فاقد کلید و فایل صوتی

مطالب مزتیط : 

دانلود بسته آزمونهای درس به درس و جمع بندی  کتابهای امریکن فایل -ویرایش دوم



Bring language to life in the classroom with American English File iTools. These digital materials enhance students learning, engaging and motivating them through a range of interactive activities. They’re a great way to practice pronunciation, build language and review grammar.

The easy functionality allows you to hide and reveal sections, enlarge items for discussion, highlight areas you want students to focus on and call up audio at the click of a mouse.

Inbuilt additional resources, and the facility to add links to website pages, reduces your preparation time and the ability to switch between Student Book and Workbook means marking can be done as a class, saving time on this too.

  • Great texts that motivate students to talk
  • Four-skills syllabus with a clear focus on pronunciation
  • Level-specific features to address learners’ different needs
  • Test Generator CD-ROMs
  • Online support, resources, and lesson ideas (Teacher Link)

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