دانلود کلید کتاب کار و نمونه سوالات American Headway starter

دانلود کلید کتاب کار و نمونه آزمونهای American Headway starter

نمونه سوال و پاسخ کتاب کار امریکن هدویاستارتر

این فایل در برگیرنده سوالات جمع بندی دروس و کلید کتاب کار زبان آموزان است.

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مجموعه امریکن هدوی ویرایش دوم مشتمل بر 6 سطحکه برای آموزش انگلیسی بزرگسالان آماده شده است واز  سطح مقدماتی تا پیشرفته را پوشش می دهد . ویرایش جدید متدهای اثبات شده آموزش انگلیسی را بهمراه منابع و مطالب جدید و به روز در هم آمیخته است تا بتواند یکی از دوره های آموزشی بسیار خوب برای کسانی که بصورت جدی قصد یادگیری انگلیسی را دارند به شمار آید . 80 درصد از محتوی کتابها و 50 درصد از تمرینات در مقایسه با ویرایش قبلی تغییر کرده و به روز شده اند .در این پست شما می توانید کتاب و سی دی های صوتی سطح دوم American Headway 2 را به رایگان از کاردوآنلاین دریافت کنید.

دانلود کلید کتاب کار و نمونه آزمونهای American Headway starter

The world’s most trusted adult English course – a perfectly-balanced syllabus, now at six levels and with new digital support.

American Headway is the course you can always trust.

Its proven methodology – focus on grammar, clear vocabulary syllabus, integrated skills work – gives you lessons that really work in class.

With the new Second Edition you get fully-revised material, the completely new Advanced level, and an exciting new generation of digital support – the online Teacher Resource Center, Test Generator CD-ROMs, and more.

  • Clear focus on grammar
  • Balanced, integrated-skills syllabus
  • New Advanced level
  • Teacher Resource Center – online resource bank with fast-find browser function
  • Student Practice Multi-ROMs with access to online TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS practice tests
  • Test Generator CD-ROMs
  • New Teacher Toolkit – ready-made materials to use in class
  • How does American Headway deliver lessons that really do work in class?
    دانلود کلید کتاب کار و نمونه آزمونهای American Headway starter
    Short answer: methodology.Headway’s balanced methodology combines the best of traditional approaches – solid grammar and practice, vocabulary development etc – and newer approaches, such as communicative role-play and personalization.Authors Liz and John Soars have developed a set of principles which “… is a summary of all we believe when writing and teaching.”

    Here are three examples:
    i) Grammar has a core place in language teaching and learning.
    ii) A wide variety of practice tasks in all the four skills are essential to language learning.
    iii) Everyday expressions, particularly of spoken English, also need a place in the syllabus. These can be functional, social, situational, or idiomatic.

    Now, American Headway Second Edition adds a new generation of digital support to that classic methodology.

    Top of the list of new resources is the Teacher Resource Center.

    It’s a password-protected bank of online resources which includes images, animated grammar PowerpointRG slides, video, worksheets, and more.

    With a fast-find browser function, it’s quick and easy for you prepare lessons your way. Find out more at www.oup.com/elt/teacher/americanheadway2e

    American Headway Second Edition also includes a new emphasis on testing to help students prepare for standardized international exams such as the TOEFLRG iBT. This includes new Spotlight on Testing lessons in the Workbook and access to a complimentary online practice test via the Student Multi-ROM.

    For further support, the Teacher Toolkit provides ready-made resources including new classroom presentation, video expansion, and testing materials.

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