کتابهای New English Adventure در چهار سطح جهت کودکان 6 تا 9 سال و توسط انتشارات آکسفورد به چاپ رسیده است. شخصیتهاو داستانهای از شبکه Disney انتخاب شده است .
New English Adventure
New English Adventure motivates children through the entertaining characters from the much-loved animated films of Disney/Pixar and provides hours of exposure and practice with English.
Children listen to stories, play classroom games, sing songs, discover links with their studies and the world around them, learn social values while communicating in English.
New English Adventure Starter A Pupil’s Book
New English Adventure Starter A Activity’s Book
New English Adventure Starter A Teacher’s Book
New English Adventure Starter B Pupil’s Book
New English Adventure Starter B Activity’s Book
New English Adventure Starter B Teacher’s book
موجود نیست.
New English Adventure 1 Pupil’s Book
New English Adventure 1 Activity’s Book
New English Adventure 1 Teacher’s Book
New English Adventure 2 Pupil’s Book
موجود نیست.
New English Adventure 2 Activity’s Book
New English Adventure 2 Teacher’s Book
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