
دانلود مجموعه Gold First New Edition

این مجموعه ، نسخه به روز شده GOLD FCE می باشد که توسط انتشارات پیرسون به چاپ رسیده است. این مطلب دربرگیرنده کتاب و بسته تست(نمونه سوالات) این مجموعه می باشد.

A new edition of Gold First,

completely in line with Cambridge 2015 exam specifications. Build your students’ confidence in a fun and engaging way, combining carefully graded exam preparation for the Cambridge English: First exam with thorough language and skills development. Stimulating discussion-rich topics and strong focus on vocabulary and chunks of language plus extensive writing support will ensure your students are ready on the day of the exam. Gold is suitable for a variety of learning styles ensuring all students achieve their learning goals.

کتاب زبان آموز -Gold First New Edition Book PDF

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کتاب استاد-Gold First New Edition Book PDF

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بسته تست -Gold First New Edition test package

Sections of Gold First that have been changed to focus specifically on the revised Cambridge English: First exam include:

  • MyEnglishLab for Cambridge English: First
  • Speaking tasks redesigned and rewritten in line with the revised Exam specifications
  • Shorter Texts and tasks for comprehensive exam coverage
  • Further writing support including useful language and sample answers
  • Completely new writing sections with an academic focus including sample answers and lots of extra support to ensure students can tackle the Writing paper successfull

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