project fourth edition

دانلود رایگان نمونه سوال ویرایش چهارم Project

ویرایش چهارم Project

مجموعه آموزشی پراجکت Project در پنج سطح ویژه دوره نوجوانان توسط انتشارات آکسفورد به چاپ رسیده است. ویرایش چهارم Project در سال 2013 منتشر گردید.مطلب حاضر دربرگیرنده نمونه سوالات درس به درس Project Fourth Edition می باشد.

فرمت سوالات PDFبهمراه کلید می باشد.

Project Fourth Edition

This new edition of Tom Hutchinson’s bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before.

Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are replaced with dramatized episodes of Kids, the photo-story from the Student’s Book. For your kinaesthetic learners there are new fun total physical response pronunciation activities in the pronunciation bank at the back of the Student’s Book. Other students will enjoy reading the stories in the extensive reading bank.

دانلود نمونه سوال کتاب\قختثزف های Project
Project 1 Fourth Edition Test
Project 2 Fourth Edition Test
Project 3 Fourth Edition Test
Project 4 Fourth Edition Test
Project 5 Fourth Edition Test

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