
دانلود کتاب Cambridge English Grammar And Vocabulary For Advanced

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کتاب Grammar And Vocabulary For Advanced دربرگیرنده نکات جامع گرامری و واژگانی هماهنگ با ویرایش جدید ازمون CAE می باشد.این کتاب دربرگیرنده سوالات Listening ، Writing و Reading و Use of English است که در هر کدام به تشریح نکات گرامری و واژگانی ان پرداخته می شود.

از درس یک تا 25 ، مباحث ساختار مورد بررسی و از درس 26 تا 45 مباحث وازگانی مورد تحلیل قرار می گیرد.این کتاب مناسب افراد و زبان اموزانی است که قصد شرکت در ازمون CAE را دارند.

How do I use the book?

You can work through the units in any order, but we advise you to study every unit if you want to prepare thoroughly for the exam. It is best to work through a unit from beginning to end as exercises may revise grammar or vocabulary from an earlier part of the same unit.

Each of the 25 units in the Grammar section is divided into three sections. Context listening introduces the grammar of the unit in context to help you understand it more easily. Grammar provides detailed explanations of specific grammar points and includes Start points which act as a brief reminder of grammar you may already know. Grammar exercises provide practice of the grammar of each unit.

Each of the 20 units in the Vocabulary section is based on a general topic (e.g. Cities) and presents general exercises on vocabulary for two areas within the main unit topic (e.g. urban growth and Urban living).

Each unit of the book includes an Exam practice section which provides practice of the types of tasks you will face in the Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening sections of the Cambridge English: Advanced examination. Note: Some of the Exam practice tasks test mainly the grammar or vocabulary taught in the same unit, to give extra practice. However, in the real exam each question tests a different grammar/vocabulary point or a different aspect of language.

The Answer key contains answers to ail the exercises in the book, including alternative answers where more than one correct answer is possible.

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