اگر به دنبال تقویت دانش مهارتهای درک مطلب Reading و شنیداری Listening هستید و در کنار آن به تلفظ Pronunciation و مهارت گفتار Speaking فکر می کنید ، می توانید از کتاب TOEFl Power Vocab Book استفاده کنید.
TOEFL Power Vocab Book
The Princeton Review’s TOEFL power Vocabulary has the words, tools, and strategies you need to help boost your comprehension levels and improve your score, including:
+ frequently-appearing TOEFL exam words
In-context examples and secondary definitions that help focus your study sessions
Mnemonic devices and root guidelines that expand your vocabulary
Brief vocab sections that break down content and let you work at your own pace
Quick quizzes with varied drills (definitions, word pairs, synonyms, antonyms, and more) to help cement your knowledge
Final drill section at the end of the book so you can assess your progress.
TOEFL Power Vocab Book