آزمونهای استاندارد اینترچنج Interchange fourth edition
این آزمونها توسط انتشارات کمبریج بهمراه کتاب استاد تهیه شده و دربرگیرنده آزمونهای آماده از هر دو درس و جمع بندی می باشد .هر فایل آزمون دارای فایل قابل ویرایش و غیر قابل ویرایش سوالات بهمراه فایل صوتی می باشد.همچنین متن فایل های صوتی و کلید سولات بهمراه نمونه سوالات Speaking نیز در این بسته گنجانده شده است.
این ازمونها از ویرایش چهارم مجموعه اموزش زبان اینترچنج می باشد.
آزمونهای استاندارد اینترچنج اینترو – Interchange Intro Test Bank
آزمونهای استاندارد اینترچنج 1 – Interchange 1 Test Bank
دانلود رایگان- Download Hereآزمونهای استاندارد اینترچنج 2 – Interchange 2 Test Bank
دانلود رایگان- Download Hereآزمونهای استاندارد اینترچنج 3 – Interchange 3 Test Bank
دانلود رایگان- Download Here
Interchange Fourth Edition is a fully revised edition of Interchange, the world’s most successful series for adult and young-adult learners of North American English. The course has been revised to reflect the most recent approaches to language teaching and learning. It remains the innovative series teachers and students have grown to love, while incorporating suggestions from teachers and students all over the world. This edition offers updated content in every unit, grammar practice, and opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills. Interchange Fourth Edition features contemporary topics and a strong focus on both accuracy and fluency. Its successful multi-skills syllabus integrates themes, grammar, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The underlying philosophy of the course remains that language is best learned when it’s used for meaningful communication.
Key features
A proven multi-skills syllabus
A focus on accuracy and fluency
Contemporary, real-world topics
Natural, conversational language
Grammar in communicative contexts
Task-based listening activities
A thorough pronunciation syllabus
Frequent learner-centered progress checks
A new interactive DVD-ROM in the back of the Student’s Book for self-study practice, includes full class video and video exercises
A new Online Workbook provides additional activities to reinforce what is presented in the corresponding Student’s Book
Pedagogical Booklet
In Competence and Performing in Language Teaching, Jack C. Richards discusses what language teachers need to know and do to be effective classroom practitioners and language teaching professionals. By exploring the knowledge, beliefs, and skills that exemplary language teachers consistently make use of – focusing on ten core dimensions of language teaching expertise and practice – Jack C. Richards helps conceptualize the nature of competence, expertise, and professionalism in language teaching.
Audio Podcasts
Listen to the following series of podcasts hosted by Professor Jack C. Richards discussing a variety of topics related to English language teaching.
سلام نرم افزار اینترچنج دو ویرایش سه رو میخام….اونی که ازمون بعد هر دو درس داره و در نهایتم از هر هست تا درس یه ازمون گذاشته….خیلی خیلی لازمش دارم….حتما ویرایش سه باشه هزینه اشم هرچی باشه پرداخت میکنم ممنون
با سلام. این آزمونها به همین صورت می باشد . متعلق به ویرایش سه است.